
Thanks to the support from 26 participatingBDRF centres around North West England and Wales, as well as generous funding from the Bowel Disease Research Foundation, the Rectal Cancer Complete Response Registry resulted in the successful collection of data for over 170 patients with a clinical complete response and the resulting Lancet Oncology publication. This has greatly improved our understanding of the oncological outcomes of patients with rectal cancer who have a clinical complete response to (chemo)-radiotherapy.

15012302bTowards the end of 2017, the decision was made to convert the OnCoRe Registry into a Research Database registered with the Health Research Authority (HRA) & with Section 251 approval from the Confidentiality Advisory Group (CAG). This will allow us to continue to add patients and follow up data to further investigate the oncological outcomes of these patients.

In December 2017, we received full REC approval and CAG Section 251 Support, with the Portfolio with IDresearch database approved and funded until November 2021. In May 2018, the project was accepted onto the NIHR Clinical Research Network Portfolio (CPMS ID 37613), with support available for all centres recruiting patients for inclusion into the database.

NIHR-Manchester-Biomedical-Research-CentreWe are extremely grateful for the funding provided by the NIHR Manchester Biomedical Research Centre grant, which has allowed for the continued development and maintenance of the OnCoRe Research Database.

OnCoRe Plus

In October 2022, OnCoRe successfully renewed it’s REC application, giving a further 5 years of ethical approval. The approval expanded eligible patients to include all those who are found to have a complete response after (chemo)radiotherapy, regardless whether they proceed for surgery or go onto watch and wait. Funding has also been secured which will allow for recruitment until at least March 2025.

OnCoRe is now OnCoRe Plus to reflect the additional patients who are now eligible for inclusion as well as the big expansion plans we have over the coming years!

The OnCoRe Plus Research Database has just under 50 centres from around the UK signed up to contribute data, and we are still accepting new sites! This website contains all the information required to submit patient data to the registry, but please get in touch via if you have any questions or if there is anything we can help with.

Please click here for a step by step guide for submitting to the database

A huge thank you to everyone who has submitted data and supported the Research Database to date – we now have data for over 300 patients with a Clinical Complete Response, making us the largest registry of this kind within the UK and one of the largest in the world!

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